But that is Bestiale!

Honorable teacher, fellow classmates.

You surely know about the Diploma Programme exam! The one delivering months of agony and headaches to every unfortunate IB Student who strives through topic after topic in order to reach the top of the study ramp. Their path is endangered by Research Questions, Unfamiliar Quests and Time, who provides the toughest competition of all.

On the other hand, when the sought reward appears to sight, and the IB Demon Programme’s diploma is finally drawn from stone-ish examiners’ hands, satisfaction fills your essence. It doesn’t last for long, though.

Grades are awfully low, Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge have reached the bear minimum to receive that piece of paper, and once you look up, one emotion is visible through the pallor of the inspector faces: disappointment. It is crystal clear that they almost forced themselves to find positive notes on your two-year struggled work. Dejection is what you leave and you are left with at the end of this race against time. Expectation is broken, shattered, tore apart; and a mediocre university is already preparing to welcome your eased body and defeated soul.